Forwarding Unfilled Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances
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The pharmacy protocol for forwarding unfilled e-Prescribed controlled substance prescriptions was recently clarified by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA has specified that if for any reason one pharmacy cannot fill the original controlled substance e-Prescription, it may be forwarded to another DEA-registered pharmacy. This was clarified by the DEA’s associate section chief of the liaison and policy section of the DEA’s Diversion Control division Loren Miller in an email to National Association of Boards of Pharmacy CEO Carmen Catizone1.
The email states, “As posted in the preambles of the [notice of proposed rulemaking] and the [interim final rule], an unfilled original EPCS prescription can be forwarded from one DEA registered retail pharmacy to another DEA registered retail pharmacy, and this includes Schedule II controlled substances.”
The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) had contacted the DEA for clarification on the issue in May and applauded the response that was received.2 “Simply put, this guidance encourages the use of electronic prescribing for controlled substances, and removes a substantial barrier to doing so,” NACDS president and CEO Steve Anderson, IOM, CAE said. “Electronic prescribing has significant advantages over other forms of transmitting a prescription because it reduces opportunities for fraud and abuse. NACDS is unwavering in its commitment to working with all parties to help find and implement solutions to opioid issues, while providing appropriate patient care. This has been, and remains, a top priority of NACDS, and we appreciate the DEA's action on this guidance, which we consider to be entirely consistent with patient care and with the proper handling of controlled substances.”
This is an important clarification that benefits both patients and prescribers by streamlining the process. It eliminates the need for a pharmacist to call the prescriber for a new prescription if it needs to be sent to a different pharmacy. This makes it quicker for patients to receive the medications they need and makes less work for the prescribers. This helps encourage prescribers to e-Prescribe which in turn improves prescription safety and prevents fraud and abuse.
2. NACDS Applauds DEA Guidance on Forwarding of Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances